
How to do Abstract Integrative Reading

Inspiration flowed while reading Study Methods & Motivation Chapters "How to do Abstract Reading" and "How to do Abstract Integrative Reading".  I realized that much of his commentary mirrors what I've learned about "meaningful learning" theory proposed by Ausubel.  Besides implications for my own reading, I brainstormed how I can create class exercises for my students that would facilitate this type of reading.  My take away is that I'll spend the first day of class showing students the following process, perhaps even giving them worksheets to fill in.  I provide my own analysis to "How to do Abstract Integrative Reading" below.

1. Start with a definition of the concept you read - but state in your own words.
2. Why is the concept important?
3. Describe the concept (this is where you integrate the concept with your current body of knowledge)
4. Provide examples

1. Definition
Abstract Integrative Reading is a skill used when reading where a book's ideas are integrated into one's current context of knowledge.
2. Importance
Abstract integrative reading is critical for developing a deep understanding of ideas.  This skill makes reading purposeful and useful for thinking and reasoning.  Improving this skill will ultimately help me gain knowledge systematically while reading, allowing me to make better decisions and live a happier, more successful life.
3. Description
Abstract integrative reading includes the ability to define a term appropriately, neither too broad nor too narrow - neither too vague nor too concrete - and avoiding subjective interpretations.  Although Locke never explicitly states it, this approach to study compliments Ayn Rand's theory of concepts.  What I mean by deep understanding of ideas is that this process for reading will make sense to me on many levels.  If I can identify cause/effect relationships, similarities and differences, implications, or categories for concepts, then I can communicate those concepts with ease because I can rephrase my words depending on the context.  Its important that these concepts be integrated with one's context of knowledge because like all learning, concepts should not be floating in the ether regions or else they will fall victim to rote memorization. For example, I identified the similarities with abstract integrative learning with Rand's theory of concepts and Ausubel's Meaningful learning.  I've further integrated his suggestions into another context, my teaching, by developing this process.  Abstract integrative reading provides me with the mechanisms for meaningful learning such that readings will persist in my mind for the long-term and can be used to help me make decisions in the future. 
4. Examples
If a book provides examples, I can brainstorm my own examples that fit within the concept. 
This blog post is an example of the output from abstract integrative reading.  
Notes I take on books or articles I read help facilitate abstract integrative reading.

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